Smallholder vegetable production in Bolivia

Photo: Markus Giger
Centre for Develoment and Environment (CDE)
Member Activities

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Explore how, guided by a radio program from Farm Radio International and Biovision, Florian Kwaslema transformed his income and regenerated his land through sustainable agroecological practices. (Article only available in German)

Biovision Foundation

interview with Martin Schmid, Co-Head of Development Projects at Biovision, about a cooperation with the organisation "Farm Radio International" to raise awareness of organic farming in Tanzania

Biovision Foundation

Auf Sansibar stärkt Biovision eines der wichtigsten Ökosysteme Westafrikas, die Mangrovenwälder, und damit auch die afrikanische Honigbiene.

Biovision Foundation

Mit über 600 Gästen und rund 400 online Zuschauer:innen feierte Biovision ihr 25. Jubiläum.

Biovision Foundation

Contact SFIAR

+41 31 910 21 91 |