Researchers gather data on land, labour, incomes, and quality of life in Laos

Photo: Sabin Bieri
Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Current SFIAR Members

Bernet, Thomas: Research Institute of Organic Agriculture
Bertschinger, Lukas: klb innovation GmbH
Bhullar, Gurbir Singh: BFH-HAFL School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences
Bischof, Andrea: Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation
Bühler, Célia: Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD)
Charrin, Jean-Benoit: individual member
Deppeler, Angela: Consultant
Dorn, Silvia: Prof. Emeritus ETH - Institute of Agricultural Sciences
Dubock, Adrian: Golden Rice Project
Egger, Paul: formerly Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Frossard, Emmanuel: ETH - Institute of Agricultural Sciences
Fuhrimann, Samuel: Swiss TPH
Fürst, Sandra: individual member
Girardin, Olivier: Fondation Rurale Interjurassienne
Gironde, Christophe: Graduate Institute
Grossrieder, Manfred: CABI
Grüter, Roman: ZHAW
Hintermann, Felix: SFIAR Secretariat
Huber, Beate: Research Institute of Organic Agriculture
Iwamura, Takuya: University of Geneva
Jaisli, Isabel: ZHAW
Jenner, Wade: CABI
Käser, Fabian: Swiss Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries
Kaufmann, Madeleine: Federal Office of Agriculture
Kaufmann, Manfred: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Klauser, Dominik: Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform
Larsen, Carl: Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS)
Mengel, Bastian: BFH-HAFL School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences
Messmer, Monika: Research Institute of Organic Agriculture
Niggli, Urs: formerly Research Institute of Organic Agriculture
Norgrove, Lindsey: BFH-HAFL School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences
Oberson, Nathalie: BFH-HAFL School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences
Otto, Caroline: Barry Callebaut
Pannatier, Marnie: Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD)
Reichenbach, Marion: Liechtensteinischer Entwicklungsdienst (LED)
Riar, Amritbir: Research Institute of Organic Agriculture
Röösli, Beat: Swiss Farmers' Union
Rueff, Henri: Centre for Development and Environment
Schmautz, Zala:  ZHAW
Schmitt, Vincent: individual member
Schneider, Monika: individual member (formerly FiBL)
Sicks, Andreas: Liechtensteinischer Entwicklungsdienst (LED)
Sorg, Loredana: Biovision
Slaats, Joep: Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS)
Surchat, Mélanie: Biovision
Tadele, Zerihun: University of Bern - Institute of Plant Sciences
Tschannen, Andres: Mondelez International - Cocoa Life
Tschirren, Sonja: SWISSAID
Uraguchi, Zenebe: BFH-HAFL School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences
Vogel, Leo Luca: University of St.Gallen (HSG)
Zbinden, Veronika: SFIAR Secretariat
Zhou, Yuan: individual member
Zurbrügg, Christian: Eawag

Contact SFIAR

+41 31 910 21 91 |