SFIAR Presidency and Secretariat

Dominik Klauser
Dominik is the SFIAR President for 2025-26. Previously at the Syngenta Foundation, he is now the Regenerative Agriculture Director at the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) Platform. He is an expert in strategy and programme development, structure and implementation, and also lectures on sustainable agriculture at several Swiss universities.
dklauser @saiplatform.org
Felix Hintermann
Felix is the main contact at the SFIAR Secretariat. He works at Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) School of Agriculltural, Forest and Food Sciences (HAFL) as a Scientific Collaborator.
felix.hintermann @bfh.ch

Veronika Zbinden
Veronika also works at BFH-HAFL as a cientific Collaborator. She supports Felix in the secretariat and assists with daily administrative tasks. With a background in international agriculture, she is primarily involved in sustainability in agriculture alongside her work for SFIAR.
veronika.zbinden @bfh.ch