Green Cotton project in India - FiBL consultant explains how to prepare the flowers for crossing

Photo: Matthias Klaiss
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL

Swiss online publications related to agricultural research for development

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Swift Peter, Htoo Saw Eh, Klay Saw Min, Rueff Henri
in: Land Use Policy 146 (2024) 107293


Ström Helena
Doctoral Thesis

Reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) projects and programmes promise to deliver performance-based, cost-effective climate change mitigation. Fifteen years after its conception, we analysed the rigorous counterfactual-based evidence for environmental and welfare effects from such national and subnational initiatives, along with a Theory of Change.


Wunder S, Schulz D, Montoya-Zumaeta JG, Börner J et al. 2024
Communications Earth & Environment (Vol. 5, Issue 1)

This study investigated the performance of cocoa trees within an irrigated cocoa plantation situated in the semi-arid region of Bahia, Brazil. Two treatments were compared: “full sun,” where cocoa trees were not shaded, and “shade,” where trees were covered with a shading net absorbing 30 % of the radiation. The findings highlight the potential of dendrometers to quantify this effect what can be used in future to optimize management practices. By doing so, more effective strategies can be developed to enhance cocoa yield and overall productivity in semi-arid regions.


Waldburger, T., Anken, T., Walter, A., al.
Heliyon (Vol. 10, Issue 11, p. e32266)

Master thesis supervised by:

Prof. Dr. Johanna Jacobi (Agroecological Transition (AET), ETH Zurich)

Dr. Christian Andres (Sustainable Agroecosystem (SAE), ETH Zurich)

Cyril Carl Heim