Researchers gather data on land, labour, incomes, and quality of life in Laos

Photo: Sabin Bieri
Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Publication article

The Role of Agricultural Projects in Building Sustainable and Resilient Maize Value Chain in Burkina Faso

Poor seed quality and climate change significantly affect the maize value chain in Burkina Faso. To address the challenges, a catalytic project titled “Strengthening resilient seed systems in the maize value chain in Burkina Faso—from research to markets” was initiated to enhance the development of a resilient maize value chain. This study aims to assess the role of the project in developing a sustainable and resilient maize value chain. In this study, a mixed approach was used in design and implementation: qualitative research using key informants’ interviews, secondary data such as baseline survey reports, and lessons learned during the seed value chain greening intervention implemented in the Hauts-Bassins and Cascades regions of Burkina Faso.

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