On-station research trials at IPR/IFRA - Rural Polytechnic Institute near Koulikoro, Mali

Photo: Harun Cicek
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL


2063 results:

Science through the lens: Jhum in the Naga Hills of Myanmar

Our changing online gallery presents photos from research in the field, illustrations about little-known aspects of science, as well as videos – always linked to short stories about sustainability or…

Policy and stakeholder engagement for an agroecological transition in Vietnam

FiBL Switzerland has collaborated with the Center of Agricultural Research and Ecological Studies (CARES) and FAO in the research and innovation project "Agroeconvert" on organic participatory…

Federal Council adopts its new Africa Strategy 2025–28

For the first time, the strategy covers all regions of the continent. The strategy prioritises peace and security, prosperity and competitiveness, the environment, and democracy and governance.

Referent*in Entwicklungspolitik - Ernährungssicherheit und Landwirtschaft

Welthungerhilfe Qualification: Einschlägiges Studium in relevanten Themenfeldern (Politik, Landwirtschaft, Ernährung etc.)

Chargé.e de projet pour la conception et l'évaluation de systèmes agroforestiers biologiques

Cirad (Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement) Qualification: Titulaire d'un diplôme d'Ingénieur agronome ou d'un Master 2 d'écologie (Bac + 5)

Post Doctoral Fellow – Agroclimatic and Crop Modeling

Alliance of Bioversity International and International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) Qualifiaction: PhD in Agrometeorology, Agroclimatology, Agronomy, Environmental Science, Crop Science,…

Rural development 2025: Resilience to Global Change

International Scientific Conference organized by the Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy

Digital Agriculture Expert

FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia Qualification: University degree in Agricultural Science, Economics, Environmental Science, Data Science, Computer Science, Public Policy,…

The Global Network Against Food Crises

Virtual brown-bag lunch organized by the SDC Agriculture & Food Systems Network and the Global Network Against Food Crises
Search results 51 until 60 of 2063

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