Feiern Sie das 25-jährige Bestehen von Biovision! Begleiten Sie Biovision auf einer Reise durch die Zeit - von den Anfängen bis zur Zukunftsvision. Hier geht es zur Anmeldung für den Livestream.
In-person attendance at the Biovision Symposium on sustainable food systems is fully booked, but you can still participate online on 18 November from 14:00-17:00. Click here for full programme and to register.
A joint initiative by the Global Alliance for the Future of Food, Biovision Foundation, and WWF to produce a handbook ahead of the 26th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 26; May 2024) on integrating agroecology into National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs).