The report on the SECO Roundtable on Trade, Climate Change and the SDGs has been published.
The roundtable was jointly organised by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) and the World Trade Institute (WTI).
news by SDC about its Nutrition in Mountain Agroecosystems project, carried out by IFOAM, through which hundreds of mountain farmers have received training on a more diversified and ecologically sound approach to agriculture
SECO, UBS Optimus Foundation, Credit Suisse Foundation and SDC launched the Sustainable Development Goals Impact Finance Initiative aiming to mobilize up to one billion Swiss francs in private capital to advance measurable impact in developing countries
The latest issue of SDC Development Magazine "One World" focuses on the role of research in reducing poverty and environmental degradation, and provides clear cases from food security.