Smallholder vegetable production in Bolivia

Photo: Markus Giger
Centre for Develoment and Environment (CDE)
Member Activities

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In this event, Elisa Loncón, Mapuche scholar and activist, will give insights in Mapuche philosophy (Azmapu) and care for Mother Earth. The brownbag also features a dialogue on nature's rights, as an alternative to eurocentric and anthropocentric legal frameworks.

Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

CDE’s Elisabeth Bürgi Bonanomi, a legal expert on sustainable trade, and environmental economist Astrid Zabel are researching ways of implementing the EU Deforestation Regulation so that producers and countries in the global South can also benefit

Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

The EU is set to ban imports of certain raw materials and processed goods if their production is linked to deforestation. But what does this mean for hundreds of thousands of smallholder farmers and for producer countries?


Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

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