Smallholder vegetable production in Bolivia

Photo: Markus Giger
Centre for Develoment and Environment (CDE)
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Reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) projects and programmes promise to deliver performance-based, cost-effective climate change mitigation. Fifteen years after its conception, we analysed the rigorous counterfactual-based evidence for environmental and welfare effects from such national and subnational initiatives, along with a Theory of Change.


Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

This chapter examines processes of land grabbing in Laos, where the government has granted 4 percent of the national territory to foreign and domestic plantation, mining, and hydropower investors. A major portion of this land has been developed through the coercive dispossession of peasant land. However, the development of land concessions has not been a frictionless process as peasants have become increasingly frustrated with the expropriation of their land and have found various ways to voice their concerns within the country’s constrained political environment While the Lao government has made significant reforms to land-related policies in recent years, we show how these changes are driven by dynamic social and political relationships amongst state agencies, foreign investors, and peasant communities.

Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

In a recent study CDE document less discussed side of the soy sector in Brazil. Learn more about how the soy sector turns local food systems upside down – and jeopardizes local access to sufficient healthy food in the recently published story.

Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

The CDE leads a Cluster of Research Excellence to promote sustainable use of water and land resources together with partners in East Africa. Read about this and many other projects in CDE's Annual Report 2023.

Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Chinwe Ifejika Speranza, professor at the University of Bern’s Institute of Geography, talks about an ERC research project that tries to highlight how small forest patches in West Africa’s highly fragmented agricultural landscapes support biodiversity and climate protection.

Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

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